Friday, November 23, 2007

Contrary to What is Expected of Me........

Contrary of what is expected of me, I turn out to be a godammn motherfucking loser(please forgive the excessive use of unparliamentary language).

The reasons are pretty clear.Let's start from the latest.........

1) I am wasting my time typing this blog, when I should effectively be spending more time studying for the Comprees

2) I haven't started properly for the Comprees

3) I finished my Workshop pracs only now, after the rest of the world had already finished it a fortnight ago.

4) My fingers are dirty.

5) Tomorrow is Senti Nite and I donot wanna work.

6) My wrist pains and I can't do nothing to take revenge.

7) My mind wanders away into non-existence. I feel depressed and can't do anything to right it.

8) Thinking of 2nd sem ragging again makes my bones turn water.

9) I have lost my appetite and 3 days back I had fasted for 4 days, falling desperately ill and fainting in the Workshop.

10) I need a decent 8.5+ CGPA.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Welcome Denizens of the Lost Cause

Myself needs little intro.

Name: Arun Thottakathu Prasannakumar
Age: abt 19
DOB: 01-01-1989
Sex: Male (beyond any existing doubt and proud to be)
Sexual Orientation: Straight (at least for the time being)
Nicknames: T P; Arun; Thallipoli; Thendi Patti; Thottakathu; ATP; Adenosine Triphosphate;
Fall Guy; Vlad TePes; Vlad etc..........
Motto: Life Sux and Sux Hard
For anything else find it on my orkut id
--------------------------THIS IS WHERE THE DECENCY ENDS------------------------------