Sunday, December 2, 2007

"Wassup wid the foto frenzy?"

Ladies and Gentlemen , and the rest of the unknown genders,

Its time I continued to disclose my dispositions and my feelings (pheelings as they call it) to the wider audience.

As my accomplices are realising here at BITS Pilani (they are so dumb) now, I am psycho, except for the part that I do not kill people and hate taking bums.

Well to start with my Maths Compree sucked as I forcefully forgot everything I mugged up as always. Workshop is lurking by, and its fucking raining here in winter. Sivaprasad is peeping through, and so I say to him "MOTHER FUCK OFF".

Photo Frenzy was the topic and so let me talk of it. Its well known that I like Nazi stuff (no particular reason, they just rule).I realise I am using too many simple brackets and so from now I'll use curly brackets.

My friends are getting freaked out because of the explicit content of some of the photos displayed in my Orkut album, but I am sorry to say to them' "That's me, and now live with that shit".

Its my album and so I DECIDE what pictures should be put up.Yes I might be a DOG or a BITCH, but {evil cackle} I AM NOT YOU.

Life is going smoothly into doom. We had a senior farewell yesterday, and it simply rocked. But sadly we lost ample studying time. Maybe it's time I moved on to more important stuff like studying for Workshop and Chemistry.


IN FOND MEMORY OF MY FRIENDS ------ Rest in pieces, losers

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